
Sweet Sundays: Cork’s & EBR Main Library

With temperatures in Louisiana reaching 100F degrees this week, we decided on some indoor fun for the kids at the East Baton Rouge Main Library. It never disappoints! The children’s area is huge (largest in the parish) and has three play areas, an interactive tablet table, and coloring tables. After a quick trip to the family bathroom located in the children’s area (awesome!), our kiddos went to town playing and exploring the various sections.

The children’s area front desk has printed coloring pages, Parents magazines, and a Jar Guessing Game filling with rubber ducks. There was also a neat arts & crafts project on the table where kids assembled pretend salads. Of course our 4 year old grabbed two handfuls of paper black olives for hers, which are a fave in our home. One of the highlights our daughter has enjoyed since she was 2 is the library clock that plays music at the hour change. Such a fun memory every time we go, and also a great segway into leaving the library.

My husband and I were looking for some good food with a drive-thru option to get the 1 year old home for his nap. I have seen posts from Cork’s on Instagram, and wanted to especially try the Beignet Bites.

We ordered a Catfish Po-boy, and were pleasantly surprised that the French bread is from Gambino’s Foods, a delicious New Orleans company. The perfect French bread is almost a religion in Louisiana, and this bread was of course light, flaky, buttery, and savory. The fish strips were cooked through but moist, and the traditional toppings (pickles, tomatoes, shredded lettuce) was present. The 12 piece of Beignet Bites was the big finale, and I can honestly say they were divine. While I love a traditional Beignet, these bites were a beast of their own with crispy yet soft texture, absolutely covered in powdered sugar. We enjoyed a nice outing and yummy food, before putting little one down for his nap.

Another sweet, family-friendly Sunday in Baton Rouge!